ముందు పళ్ళు విరిగాయా? Best Treatment Options for Broken Teeth or Fractured Teeth with Tips in Telugu | Dr Swetha | Dentist at Kukatpally-KPHB, Manikonda & Gachibowli-Kondapur

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Introduction to Broken Teeth or Chipped Teeth or Tooth Fractures

Tooth fracture usually occurs due to traumatic injuries to the teeth and oral structures. The predominant clinical features are sensitivity and pain in the fractured teeth. The tooth fractures involving the pulp may develop periapical lesion, which requires radiological examination.

What Are the Types of Tooth Fracture?

Cracked teeth are typically categorized into following types: craze lines, fractured cusps, cracks that run through the crown of the tooth and reach to the gum line, split teeth, and vertical root fractures.
These five categories represent the most common types of cracked teeth.

What Is a Fractured or Cracked Tooth?

While chewing on hard foods, a tooth can fracture or crack. It is also commonly seen in people who grind their teeth at night, play contact sports, or it can occur spontaneously in older adults. It is one of the commonest tooth condition that results in tooth loss.
There are various treatment options available to save a cracked tooth. Unlike a broken bone, a fractured tooth will never be 100 % healed even after treatment, but getting it treated will prevent further damage and spread of infection.
Usually one can protect your teeth by maintaining good oral hygiene, avoid biting on hard foods, and wearing a mouthguard in bruxism or atheletic cases. In most cases, the crack can be seen, but sometimes if the fracture is along the length of the tooth, it is impossible to see them with the naked eye. If you cannot see the fracture, certain symptoms like pain while chewing or sudden sensitivity to hot and cold can be signs of it.
Very small fractures are difficult to diagnose, as it might not cause any symptoms except for pain that occurs on and off. Proper treatment should be done after because if left untreated, it can cause severe pain, infection, and tooth loss.

What Are the Causes of Tooth Fracture?

Biting on hard food items.
Grinding the teeth at night (bruxism).
Increased age (above 50 years).
A tooth that has a large dental filling, as it weakens the tooth.
Injury to the chin or jaw during road traffic accidents, contact sports, fall, etc.
Eating something very cold immediately after eating something hot might cause fractures due to temperature change.
Root fractures are commonly seen in people with gum diseases.

What Are the Symptoms of Tooth Fracture?

Most people do not have any symptoms.Craze lines do not cause any symptoms and do not require treatment.
In Severe cases results in the following symptoms:
Pain while chewing or biting.
Pain occurs on and off.
Swollen gums.
Tooth sensitivity to sweet foods.
Tooth feels sensitive to hot and cold foods.

What Are the Treatment Options for Tooth Fracture?

Depending on symptoms, location and size of the fracture, various treatment options are available:
1)Bonding or dental filling – If the fracture does not involve the pulp or dentin, filling the crack using tooth-colored composite resin is done.
2)Dental crown or cap – When the fracture involves the dentin or a lot of tooth portion is lost, then a dental crown or cap is used to cover the damaged tooth. It is tooth-shaped and can be made from metal, metal and ceramic, or all ceramic. It is fitted over the fractured tooth and makes is functionally and aesthetically better.
3)Root canal treatment – If the crack is extensive and it involves the pulp or if it has resulted in the infection of the pulp, then root canal treatment is necessary. Here, the infected pulp in the root canal is removed and the root canal is shaped and prepared. Then the root canal is filled with a biocompatible material and a dental crown is placed on the tooth to increase strength and appearance.
4)Extraction – tooth is extracted only if the tooth is damaged beyond repair.
5)Craze lines and other hairline cracks in the enamel do not cause any symptoms and need no treatment.

What Are the Complications of Tooth Fracture?

If not treated immediately it may lead to,
Pain on biting.
Tooth sensitivity.
Bad breath.

Can a Fractured Tooth Heal on Its Own?

Yes, a fractured tooth can heal on its own, but if the fracture is minimal. It includes those fractures that involve only the outer levels of the tooth. This self-healing process of a tooth is called remineralization. Severe forms of fractures cannot be healed.

How Do You Know If Your Tooth Is Fractured?

The following are the signs and symptoms of a fractured tooth.
Pain when chewing or biting, especially when the person releases the bite.
Extreme sensitivity to heat, cold, or sweet foods.
Pain that comes and goes but is rarely progressive.
Swelling of the gum and redness, particularly around the affected tooth.

How Long Will a Fractured Tooth Last?

A fracture can be repaired surgically, but a fractured tooth cannot be healed completely. It can be restored aesthetically. But, immediate treatment provides the best chance of saving the individual’s fractured tooth and preventing infection that can lead to further damage.

Is a Cracked Tooth an Emergency?

Usually, a broken or fractured tooth is a dental emergency when the patient is experiencing excruciating pain or profuse bleeding. A trauma caused by accidents might cause skull fractures also along with teeth fracture, so in those cases, the patient should immediately seek medical care.

What Happens If You Leave a Broken Tooth Untreated?

If the tooth fracture is very minimal, involving only the crown region, it usually does not cause any complications. But, when it consists of the gums or the other associated facial structures, patients may have severe pain, and infections might develop. The infections could be so severe that it can even spread to the brain known as meningitis.

How Can I Fix a Cracked Tooth at Home?

The following are certain ways you can provide the necessary first aid to a fractured tooth at home. It is important for you to understand that it is not the definitive cure, and once the first aid is done, you should seek medical care immediately.
If your whole tooth is fractured and falls off with the root intact, try to place it in a small container with milk and rush to the dental clinic.
If the remaining tooth apart from the fractured piece has a sharp edge, you can cover it with things like chewing gum, gauze, or wax and get treated in dental clinic.


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