The best dental clinic for wisdom tooth extraction in hyderabad

Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction is a simple and painless procedure. Pulling out tooth was the oldest method of dental surgery when there were no treatments available

At our Dental Clinic in KPHB we advise tooth extraction only when there is no chance of saving the tooth by known methods of treatment.

Extraction of milk teeth is common in kids when the teeth has become non-vital

In adults Wisdom Tooth Extraction is the most advised tooth extraction when it is infected or when there is pain as this tooth is not used for chewing.

best and painless wisdom tooth extraction in hyderabad

When is a tooth extraction done?

  • Over retained or milk teeth that haven’t shed
  • When the tooth cannot be saved with Root Canal
  • Impacted Wisdom Tooth causing pain
  • Wisdom tooth decay
  • Extra teeth or Super numery teeth
  • Extractions to make space for orthodontic treatments
  • Fractured tooth
  • Loose tooth without bone support

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Tooth Extraction or Wisdom Tooth Extraction
