Category: bleeding gums
Why Teeth Cleaning is Needed? | Teeth Scaling | Bleeding Gums | Dental Cleaning | in Telugu | Dr Swetha | Dentist @ KPHB, Manikonda & Kondapur
In this Video Dr Swetha answers the common questions about teeth cleaning Questions like what is teeth cleaning at dentist? does teeth scaling damage tooth enamel? is teeth scaling painful? does teeth cleaning cause teeth gaps? What are the different types of scalers, different types of scaling including deep cleaning, what happens when teeth cleaning…
నోటి దుర్వాసన పోవాలా ? 7 Best Tips to Get Rid of Bad Breath for Good in Telugu | Dr Swetha | Hyderabad
In this video Dr Swetha – explains the following: How to get rid of Bad Breath for Good! What causes Bad Breath? Tips to prevent bad breath
చిగుళ్లు కిందకి పోతున్నాయా? అరికట్టడం ఎలా? Best Tips to prevent gum recession? in Telugu by Dr Swetha
Dr Swetha explains the likely causes of gum recession and how to reverse the gum recession. If the gum recession is in the initial stages, it can be corrected by proper brushing techniques. If the gum recession is in intermediate or advanced stages it can lead to bone loss resulting in tooth movement and finally…
Are your gums bleeding? Dr Swetha
Dr Swetha will discuss the issue of bleeding gums in todays topic. Bleeding gums is a common problem for many adults and teenagers. These are caused primarily due to lack of proper gum care. Bleeding gums can be rectified without any surgery by use of advanced soft tissue dental laser available at our advanced centers…